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Piloting European methods

Based on the needs analysis made in Indonesia by INDOPED project partners, a number of challenges related to higher education have been identified. In most universities teaching still seems to be based on a teacher-centered approach. Students don’t get enough contacts with companies during their studies. Therefore there is a great need to modernize Indonesian pedagogical practices to meet the requirements of working life. The aim of the INDOPED project is to raise the teaching capacity of Indonesian University teachers. During the INDOPED project we have tested and adjusted European active learning practices and embed the most valuable ones into the structures of Indonesian partner universities. There have been chosen 10 different active learning practices which have been tested in Indonesian Universities in over 20 different pilots with 100 teachers and  nearly 3000 students.


Learn more from Indonesian partners’ pilot experiences from the INDOPED Newsletter (2/2017):

Piloted methods are the following:

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