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Narrative pedagogy takes place within a real world environment. In each case, they situate learners within unfolding stories that require them to ask scientific questions, design experiments, make predictions, generate and test hypotheses. Narrative pedagogy is a community practice that allows students and their teachers to consider what is possible and what is problematic within their teaching. This approach provides learners with opportunities to hear and consider different viewpoints. Within these different narratives, knowledge is contested and elements of uncertainty are explored. Nothing in the subject area is taken as certain: everything is open and problematic. This approach supports a context-sensitive approach to learning, a consideration of different viewpoints in a given situation and opportunities to empathize with others. As stories are shared, the students are prompted to examine their values and their attitudes. They are also made aware of the importance of continually questioning and thinking things through, rather than reaching for a set answer. Storytelling offers a way of engaging learners over time, structuring learning and encouraging students to develop their understanding. The aim here is to provide engaging and effective narratives that motivate students in a variety of ways. Tasks set at the right level for learners provide challenge. Quests stimulate learners’ curiosity by requiring them to explore intriguing environments and interact with engaging characters. These environments put the students in control, not only of their route through the landscape, but also of their route towards a solution. The fantasy elements of the scenario contribute to vivid imaginative sequences. Together, these motivational aspects combine to provide a narrative backbone for guided student enquiry. The Learning through Storytelling method is not discipline-related and it is usable in all study programs. It is possible to utilize in Higher Education and can be applied in all study programs.


European university: University of Sevilla

Piloting universities: Univeritas Negeri Yogyakarta and Universitas Widya Mandala

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